I'm looking (not for any good reason) at THE BLOCK ISLAND TIMES for July 18th, 2015. Block Island, as many of my readers surely know, is a summer tourist haven off the southern coast of Rhode Island, with wonderful beaches and fishing, and some fascinating Native history/archaeology.
Because I'm feeling lazy, I'll let you know what events there were advertised in the newspaper above referenced.
A four week discussion series is underway there of a new theological work entitled DID GOD KILL JESUS? SEARCHING FOR LOVE IN HISTORY'S MOIST FAMOUS EXECUTION by Tony Jones. The book is to be discussed every Thursday beginning with July 18th at Harbor Church.
Also, there was an opening reception at the Spring Street Gallery showing the work of Kate Bird. I've included a photo of that artist here.
There is a summer concert series underway, featuring such musicians as Martin Soderberg, vocalist Megan Bisceglia, singer/songwriter Kevin Briody, and pianist/cellist Jonathan Tortolano.
I'll just include one more item on this shortened list. On Thursday, July 23d, the Block Island Historical Society hosted a cemetery tour-- the cemetery is on West Side Road.
Fascinating things go on anywhere, if you look for them.
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