In my teen years, I went through a "Neo-Platonist" phase. I actually read the Enneads , the work of the most prominent Neo-Platonist, Plotinus. I was amused that the name seemed so fitting: did Plotinus just accidentally have a name that sounds like "Platonist"? Still not sure of that, Anyway, I burned through a good deal of notepaper writing obviously unprintable treatises of my own about how the Enneads rightly read can give us the answers to the problems of the 1970s, or something. I was doing this even after my first contact with the much saner writings of William James, though in time the latter rescued me from the former. Anyway, since this is my own bloomin' blog, I'll indulge myself and say a few words on Neo-Platonism. Paleo-Platonism Before every neo there is a paleo. what about paleo-Platonism and what in it led to the neo? Plato's dialogs were exploratory, digressive, dramatic, and not especially systematic or even consistent. ...