My cheery thought for the day: what is the most likely civilization-ending disaster?
Something that one can with some plausibility imagine as taking place over the next, say, 50 years.
My own guess (and I eagerly await yours, dear equally-cheerful readership):
Something akin to the German hyperinflation of 1923 gone worldwide., Money -- ANY money, becomes useless and the only real way to do business left is through barter. But money is a very useful thing, and without it, the resources of the earth cannot accommodate the human population on face of same.
Urbanized people don't have anything much to barter once they run out of the family silver, they can only bargain their labor power. With money and so with payrolls gone this means that most of those who don't starve barter themselves into serfdom for shelter and food.
Scary enough for the day?
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