In Germany the financial press is sorting through a scandal that Americans might naturally see as a cross between Enron and Madoff, the matter of Wirecard. Wirecard was a Bavaria based payment processing company founded back in 1999, the pinnacle of all things "dotcom." It was known as "InfoGenie" at first, though that changed to the name I'm using in 2005. Fast forward: on June 25, Wirecard filed for insolvency, and announced that close to 2 billion euros (that would be about 4.3 billion US dollars) thought to have been in its corporate treasury were "missing." Its CEO, Marcus Braun, was soon arrested. Apparently there was a scheme among various honchos to funnel money out of the corporate accounts and into their own. COO Jan Marsalek, who is alleged to have been central to this scheme, skipped town ahead of the posse (if I may use an Americanism in this context). This gave the scandal something that US financial scandals almost never have:...