An economist I interviewed recently spoke of two "transformative technologies" that are going to make it possible for the human species to abide on the earth in a sustainable way. On the one hand, there is carbon capture and storage -- technologies for taking carbon out of the air and turning it into, say, bricks, or other useful materials. We have it in solid form and get some use out of it, and the atmosphere has been freed of that much carbon.
In its early form, this will be carbon capture and STORAGE,. The carbon bricks will be put underground. Over time, presumably, uses for them will be found. At least that's how my friend saw it. See the pick. But as a market enthusiast, I think some bright person might get busy creating a demand for these carbon bricks. The demand will drive the supply and they'lll never spend any time underground.
The second technology about which my source was enthusiastic? hydrogen fuel cells. As the techniques of carbon capture take carbon out of the air, we'll also need a way to get around that will put less carbon into the air. In principle the relevant number for averting climate disasters is a single one, the NET emissions per year or whatever time frame you wish to consider. But we will be able to work at that net from both directions with these two technologies.
Just a single (two fold) thought for the day.
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