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Pray for Forgiveness

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I began my blog entry here for July 26 by reflecting on President Obama's statement to entrepreneurs, "You didn't build that."

This led me in time, through an associative train the station stops of which I won't here reproduce, to the words of William James on the moral philosopher and the moral life.

On the final station of that roadway, I quoted James thus:

"See everywhere the struggle and the squeeze; and ever-lastingly the problem of how to make them less. The anarchists, nihilists and free-lovers; the free-silverites, socialists, and single-tax men; the free-traders and civil-service reformers; the prohibitionists and anti-vivisectionists; the radical darwinians with their idea of the suppression of the weak, -- these and all the conservative sentiments of society arrayed against them are simply deciding through actual experiment by what sort of conduct the maximum amount of good can be gained and kept in this world."

In reflections thereon, I observed that all our participation in this struggle and squeeze produces the need to pray for forgiveness, and I attributed that thought to James, too.

A friend brought it to my attention that, "you haven't said earlier in the post that James said that or where he said it."

So I went looking, in the same essay, for the phrase I had had in mind when I wrote about praying for forgiveness in the course of our search for the meta-good, the always imperfect reconciliation of contending and inconsistent goods. What James actually did -- just a couple of pages later -- was to use the biblically charged expression "fear and trembling."

The expression comes from Paul's letter to the Philippians, chapter 2, and it had been famously invoked by Soren Kierkegaard in 1843. James' use, which is in tone somewhere between the Pauline and the Danish, is this: "There is but one unconditional commandment, which is that we should seek incessantly, with fear and trembling, so to vote and to act as to bring about the very largest total universe of good which we can see."

The trembling must arise because we are almost certainly doing harm to some partial but genuine good in the process.  The fear must arise because we will often be wrong, and do more harm than we needed to do. "Abstract rules indeed can help; but they help the less in proportion as our intuitions are more piercing, and our vocation is the stronger for the moral life."  

So, yes, whether we stick to those abstract rules or proceed with our own keenest intuitions, prayer for forgiveness at regular intervals seems appropriate.


  1. I am saddened by how Kieregaard's star has fallen since my teens, when I used to encounter his name in print at least weekly.

    Thank you for drawing our attention to this:

    "There is but one unconditional commandment, which is that we should seek incessantly, with fear and trembling, so to vote and to act as to bring about the very largest total universe of good which we can see."


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