I recently encountered a discussion
of an early commentator on Aristotle's ETHICS. The commentator, named Aspasius,
a human being is a social animal in the sense of doing good things also to his
fellow human beings, for this a complete life is needed as well as order
for him to do as much good as possible.Oddly perhaps, this statement does not occur in the context of commenting on what Aristotle said about sociability. It occurs in the context of statements of Aristotle's about what it means to do well.
is turning a "how to do well, how to flourish" comment into a
"how to do good, how to help other human beings" comment. The
principle of charity in commentary, so to speak. If you're interested, here's the source where I found this tidbit: https://www.academia.edu/28893443/Philosophy_of_the_Ancient_Commentators_on_Aristotle?auto=download&campaign=weekly_digest
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