I recently watched, via Showtime, a seven-episode series by Kristie Allie called FAT ACTRESS, which aired in 2005.
Allie plays a fictionalized version of herself. An actress struggling both to get her weight down and to get jobs consistent with her former fame as a star in CHEERS, and as the co-star (with John Travolta no less) in the LOOK WHO'S TALKING movies. One of the aspects of the character that I presume is fictionalized is that she is thoroughly and consistently self-delusional. She has two aides constantly around her who seek to protect her from the consequences of her delusions.
In one episode, our protagonist stumbles into a raid on a homosexual men's hang out. It is a parking lot to a small park near her home (and near a "bat cave") where men meet up and engage in what the cops who raid them classify as public lewdness. She meets her ex-husband there, and he spends some time in a prison cell with her. He tries to break it to her that she was his beard.
Anyway one of her aides (a woman) later tries to explain to delusional Kristie what had happened. She attempts etymology, "A gay man is a homosexual. That comes from homo, as in man, and sexual, as in sex. They were having man sex with each other."
That isn't the actual etymology of "homosexual," but it is funny in context. Even one of the people who is generally Kristie's "reality principle" (in Freud's sense) can mess up in the effort to present said reality.
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