So far the Webb telescope, launched with such hoopla back on Christmas Day last year, has been creating mostly confusion.
It started producing images this summer. The first full-color images were released on July 12.
Then there came a flurry of stories about how the new images create difficulties for the Big Bang Theory. Not the dearly departed television show, but the actual theory.
Then the counter-wave of stories: that was a misunderstanding.
And then still another wave: the instrument isn't really calibrated properly, so firm conclusions cannot be drawn.
So call us when you've recalibrated and gotten it right, okay?
This is an example of today's burning issue on the blog platform. I'll save that revelation for last. I am all in for Universal Progress.---learning what we can about our home. There have lately been questionable revelations about AI; morality and AI; consciousness-as-illusion and so on. Each time, hypotheses have blown up in the faces of their advocates. The Universe is vast. The telescope is an expensive tool. Doubters have questioned the BBT for years. People have questioned free will longer and cannot agree on any unified theory about it. Calibrate away, ladies and gentlemen. See where it gets you.