It appears that Naomi Klein, a Toronto based feminist intellectual who wrote most famously THE SHOCK DOCTRINE (2007), has issues with Naomi Wolf, a San Francisco based feminist intellectual who wrote most famously THE BEAUTY MYTH (1990). Apart from the name, both women are of the same generation and in many respects similar appearance.
In THE BEAUTY MYTH Wolf criticizes the cosmetics and fashion industries especially as the forward troops in keeping women embarrassed and exploitable. This book was instantly and emphatically praised by various feminist Big Names, like Germaine Greer and Betty Freidan.
Klein says she is frequently confused with Wolf. Their world does not contain room, it appears, for two Naomis. She doesn't like being confused with Wolf because she, Klein, is a more reliable leftist whereas Wolf goes off that reservation too often for Klein's comfort.
The annoyance has become much more than that, as the phrase "the green New Deal" has acquired momentum in progressive circles. Both have made use of the term. Klein believes such a program is an imperative for human survival. Wolf believes it is a fraud. And in arguing that the "green New Deal" is a fraud, Wolf has made use of the phrase "the shock doctrine," tightening the intertwine.
Backing up a bit: Klein believes that capitalists (but never socialists) make unseemly use of crisis in order to achieve their political ends. If leftwing politicians do the same, well, that's okay because their goals are the good ones. That was the gist of her book The Shock Doctrine.
The other Naomi has picked up on this. She thinks the power elite in the U.S. is using both climate change and viral epidemics as the kind of shocks necessary to secure their own control.
Klein doesn't believe any of this, and she finds herself resisting the use of that phrase (on which she has no IP rights) by a woman whom many think is herself.
I thought this was all worth a post here. On Thursday, if all goes well, I hope to say something about the conflict I have outlined in such neutral a fashion here.
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