Too easy.
Toronto's mayor says, "yes, I have smoked crack cocaine. Am I an addict? No. Have I tried it? Um, probably in one of my drunken stupors, probably approximately a year ago."
I'm a laissez-faire kind of guy. I don't have an issue with regard to his drug of choice. But this statement displays the pathology that makes the liberty-eviscerating War on Drugs possible.
He tries to mitigate the significance of his use of an illegal substance by referring to his abuse of a legal substance.
Further, he did this only after staunchly denying for months that he had smoked the stuff or that there could possibly exist a video showing that he did so. So, essentially, he acknowledges the badness of what he was doing by the denials and the excuses, and fuels the 'War on Drugs,' a brushfire of a war that desperately requires buckets of dousing water, not further fuel.
He has made this statement only after the Toronto police announced that they obtained the video, and that ... well, it exists. Maybe the denials/lies were also the consequence of drunken stupors?
Oh, that's okay then.
Toronto's mayor says, "yes, I have smoked crack cocaine. Am I an addict? No. Have I tried it? Um, probably in one of my drunken stupors, probably approximately a year ago."
I'm a laissez-faire kind of guy. I don't have an issue with regard to his drug of choice. But this statement displays the pathology that makes the liberty-eviscerating War on Drugs possible.
He tries to mitigate the significance of his use of an illegal substance by referring to his abuse of a legal substance.
Further, he did this only after staunchly denying for months that he had smoked the stuff or that there could possibly exist a video showing that he did so. So, essentially, he acknowledges the badness of what he was doing by the denials and the excuses, and fuels the 'War on Drugs,' a brushfire of a war that desperately requires buckets of dousing water, not further fuel.
He has made this statement only after the Toronto police announced that they obtained the video, and that ... well, it exists. Maybe the denials/lies were also the consequence of drunken stupors?
Oh, that's okay then.
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