I thought of using this for my next Christmas card, but decided against. So I'll just put it here.
And, no, Gilbert stole it from me.
I am the very model of a modern antlered caribou, (And “caribou” means just the same as “reindeer” we just thought you knew), I’ve studied elves adorable, I know the toys historical From stick-and-hoop to Buzz Lightyear in order categorical. [Pause] I’m very well acquainted too with matters astronomical, Homeward I seek Polaris for some guidance cartographical. About the starwatch websites too I’m teeming with a lot of news, With many cheerful facts about the numbering of webpage views. CHORUS: “He’s many cheerful facts about the numbering of webpage views.” And so on matters animal, on ruminants and how-de-doo I am the very model of a modern antlered caribou. ou.”
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